Guide for jury

Jury behavior:

  • During the fight, jury members pay full attention to team performances. They are not allowed to discuss among themselves or with other people present in the room. Short answers and questions among jurors are allowed to clarify the report or discussion of the teams.
  • Except the “Jury questions” phase, jurors are not allowed to ask or comment the appearance of team members.
  • Questions from jury must be short, clear, not evaluating the performance of the teams and should allow a short and clear answer. No comments are allowed.
  • Maximum time for putting a question is 15 seconds; maximum time for an answer is 30 seconds. One juror can give no more than two consecutive questions, if other jurors are interested to ask questions.
  • Grading of every juror must be objective and fair. It takes into account the overall performance of the team during the whole stage, including questions/answers and discussion.
  • Before showing the grades, all jurors have to write their grades clearly into the marking sheets. Chairman will check if this was done properly; after this check the change of grades is not allowed.
  • If there is a single highest or lowest grade of a jury member, the jury member is asked to shortly explain his/her grading; this is done for all stages only after all grades for all stages are shown.

Team participation during the fight:

  • Teamwork within the team is wished also during the physics fights, so team members have to be encouraged to help their team-mates within the scope of regulations.
  • Only one team member takes the stage as Reporter, Opponent or Reviewer. Other team members are allowed to:
  • Post concrete questions and give concrete answers (also to questions from Jury).
  • Provide language support during the whole fight.
  • Help with the presentation of experiment and help technically (e.g. with computer presentation).
  • Pass written notes to Reporter, Opponent or Reviewer.
  • Give statements on specific issues during to discussion (only one team member at time).